A week had passed, and toady is shall celerate the the birthday of my 1 week old blog....
A rather busy week, and quite something happen.
Attaned a events by a MLM company, this is my first time joining any network marketing events. And i must say, it is an eye opening experience for me. Why do i wanted to join this events? not that i wanted to do it, but i would like to know and understand what is MLM, how they operate, and the most important thing, are they able to help me to be more outspoken, more confidence, and help me improve my communication skills.
The first surpise, dance, shout slogan, it is almost like a motivation talk where everyone was being encouraged to participate. The different here is, they are motivating the participant to climb to the top o fthe MLM pyramid. This had lead me to link with the NLP and motivation book which i had recently trying to buy a few to read. And i can see that, why ppl may change after joining such MLM or similar motivation camp.
The next suprise, how people make money in very short time, unlike conventional direct sales, they are using the word "franchising" to encourage people to buy in bulk... Yes, franchising is good, but when a when everyone become a franchisee, then there is no value in it. Well, in this case, it is either you get rich fast by recruting more people to join your "franchise" or you end u with a lot of stock in ur room.
More suprise? Yes, i get to learn how they package the MLM, how they motivate people, how they influence poeple, how they change people. So was it good or bad? It is just another method of making money, you have to ask yourself, was it your cup of tea? at the end of the day, do you willing to be remodeled to become what they want you to be?
My conclusion, it is not my cup of tea, but i will still explore alitte more, after all life is about experiencing different thing, and this may help me if i am involved in slaes related suff in future.
Went to watch the movie "Seven sword", my first chinese martial art movie in my life!! Haha.... very interesting movie, but at the end of the movie... i couldnt fel much. Usually when i watch movie, i dont go with any expectation. So most of the time, i get inspiration....i learn something about life, be it a comedy, horror, science fiction... But for this movie, nothing much had inspired me. The director had mentioned that the orginal movie was 3 hours plus, but he had to cut shot to 2 hours plus.. probaly that was the reason, not that it is not good, but just that when you trying to put more thing together at one time, the end result just doesnt shine.
But still, the movie was pretty okie.
Wednessday, Thursday
Laz at home, went to gym after stopping for few months, now body stilla aching... so useles, haha.. watch the show "project superstar". As usual the result is unpredictable, but the wednessday nite show was the best, the fighting spirit of the contestant to overcome problem impressed me.... too often, when we faced problem, we tend to find excuses, we tend to avoid.. and in the end we was defeated. No matter what was the result of the competition, the contestant truly impressed many people. A pity that "Juan Yang" lost, but well, that life, unpredictable.
From the show, i seems to have pick up something which i had almost lost, PASSION and DREAMS This is one thing many people wil lost when they steps into working world, and life will be just working, knock off, working knock off....tasteless..
So i wanted to find back my passion, and most importantly i wanted to find the person which can embrace life with me ... together we exoerience life, together we shares the ups and downs and together we help each othr excel in life.
Lonely day, when shopping alone, but i discover something new, wow... the Japanse style solved here was expensive, probably because they have to take aeroplane fly here.... lol..... This can become a business apportunity, if some local publsiher can get the permission to print those magazine locally by reducing the cost, then this can certainly become a good business. This is what i called franchising......
Saturday Morning
I Am not perfect
Chatted with a friend, i had told him that the reason why i am angry with him over not willing to accompany me to one activities and he expressed his dissapointment with me, and when i asked why he refuse to talk about it. Somehow i treated him as a good friend, where he had helped me emotionally, that why i get upset, when he reject my invitation. Because i value him. Still life have to move on, lets hope that this thing will over soon, but i get to learn something ... that is not many people like to go crowded place when they get old....I am not perfect, so sometime i may do thing wrongly, and when i did, i hope someone will pointed it out to me and let me know. There is no perfect people, but we shouldnt be using this as an exucses to be a better person...
we all are human being with flaws... stupid me... another excuses.... (hmm will probably start one topic on excuses...)
Coming weeks...
a busy weeks, have a few evenst/program to join..... but that was life should be expereicne and see different thing... but still very much wanted to laz on bed with my love one, doing nothing but chit chat nonsense.... haha...
About blogging:
I will try to blog at least twice a week, and if i have decided to start on any specific topic, I will create specific title for the topic, so that it is easy to trace and understand.
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