Thursday, April 16, 2009


In a relationship.....

Sometime we do silly thing....

Silly thing to make each other angry... to make each other sad....

Many times, we insist on what we believe on....

and forget to let go what we are holding........

Dear Dear ....... I LOVE YOU




Monday, July 16, 2007

Courage of life

In life we face many obstacle and challenges. Sometime, living in a comfortable life may not be a bless, but could turn out to be the cause of us being weak and unable to face challenges in life.

Open up the newspaper, you could read stories about student or young people commit suicide due to break off or small matter. Why was that so? was it because we human living in the modern world had become more and more self centered? Where they hope the world will revolve around them self, and when things doesn't goes according to their wish. They choose to end their life rather then facing it.

Sometime we cannot blame them, their world is still pretty small and may not have much chance to see the other part of life, the part where people fight for a living.

Belong is a post which I had read it somewhere, and i find it very encouraging. Just to share this will everyone here. The main character here, is a selfless person, who grew up to be the support pillar of his father. Definitely a role model that we should learn from.

May you find this useful, and when you face problem, think of how the main character face the challenge of the life. Sorry folks, it is in chinese. If someone can translate it, feel free to email to me and i will repost here.


勇敢的人 依然存在

勇敢的人 依然存在



  但,他爸爸其實是沒有能力養他的,經商失敗後,為了償還大筆債務,搞到最後連房子都只能用租的,平日就開計程車維生。他爸爸買不起車子,只能跟車行用 租的,而跟車行租車,一天不管你跑多少客人,到晚上就是固定要繳錢回車行,算是租金;偏偏現在經濟又不景氣,計程車又不是很好賺,常常跑不到客人,連固定 繳回車行的每天的租金,有時都還要自己貼,更發生過,繳錢給車行後,只剩下十塊錢坐公車回家,連飯都沒得吃。

  而這學生,高中考上我爸任教的學校──南港高工。說實話,真的不是什麼好學校,可想而知他的成績有多差,但是他真的很認真,同學討論哪裡好玩好吃的, 他都是默默聽著、一聲不吭,因為他沒有錢,更沒有時間讓他揮霍他的青春。但是他真的很厚道,也許這點遺傳了他的爸爸,社區的義工、醫院的志工…他都當過, 證書獎狀厚厚一疊。

  從國中時代,他就有一個交往中的女朋友,後來這女孩子考上北一女,雖然高一高二仍然有來往,卻都是為了利用他,因為他的電腦繪圖很強,總是幫女孩應付 所有大大小小的美編、壁報…等等。到最後,女孩終究還是離開他,北一女、南港高工,這之間的距離有多大,男孩子自己心裡也曉得,他也知道這女孩,就像他的 媽媽瞧不起他爸爸一樣的瞧不起他,從此再也沒有來往。 但是卻並未造成他喪志頹廢,他一樣為了生活和前途努力的打拼。


  他爸爸很難過的告訴他,他只能想辦法自己出學費。就這樣,四年來,他沒要他爸爸一毛錢,除了第一學期用助學貸款,每個學期他都拼命的打工好付學費跟生 活費,甚至,他還拿錢給他爸爸補貼家用。一樣的,這四年來,他犧牲了無數的玩樂,他沒本錢像一般大學生一樣,逛街、花錢、吃好吃的、治裝打扮,他根本沒時 間,也沒本錢。甚至,他連女朋友都不敢交。


  今天,他去找教授,教授一個個問每個來的學生什麼高中、什麼大學畢業?每個不是建中、台大、交大,就是竹中、清大,輪到他,他很坦然的說,台科大。教 授說:「哦~不錯啊!什麼高中畢業?」「南港。」「南港高中?」他搖搖頭:「南港高工。」教授看著他,點點頭:「好,你進來。」


  他爸爸打電話給我爸爸的同事,也就是這學生高中的導師,一邊講電話、一邊哭,他覺得真的很愧疚,四年來,他沒給過這孩子一毛錢,他不是不想給,他是根 本給不起;當老婆跟女兒離開他之後,若非這兒子還在他身邊,勇敢的為了自己和爸爸而活下去、而努力,他早就沒有活下去的勇氣了。


  我想,這孩子一定會成功的,在那樣的逆境,是我怎麼想都沒辦法想像的,從來不愁吃不愁穿的我,真的可說是十分汗顏,當我還在想著買多少化妝品、買多少衣服時,當我還在計較著怎麼我的錢都不夠我吃喝玩樂加打扮時, 有人這麼辛苦而又勇敢的生活著。


Friday, October 06, 2006





"菩提本无树": 菩提在经中说本师释迦牟尼佛是在菩提树下成道的.但实际上菩提不是树,而是觉悟与智慧."明镜亦非台": 明镜是指我们清净禅定的心境,何"台"之有?"本来无一物": 清净的心,原本是什么都没有的,"何处惹尘埃": 回应了上一句,问为何众生有如此多的烦恼? 就是不觉悟,不开慧,两者对比之下,不难看出,神秀大师的字里行间还透露着“执著”,也就是说心还有所挂碍——他的心里还惦记着“菩提树”,“明镜台”。既然神秀大师对它们如此看重,那他又怎能容忍它们受到“尘埃”的沾染呢?所以难免就要为之“勤拂拭”了,也就无法从“菩提树”,“明镜台”,乃至“尘埃”中解脱出来了,一辈子也就一直“拂拭”下去而已了。而慧能大师已经去除了对有心而生出的万法的执着,也就是说“菩提树”,“明镜台”,乃至“尘埃”等等一切,都是我们心所生出来的虚幻不长久的,生成它们的心才是长久存在的真实。所以,心才为一切的源头——心为主,法为次。如果心被法所役,而产生对任何事物的执着,就成了颠倒迷惑了;反之,心就获得了自在,不再执著自己所生出来的任何事物,从而脱离了束缚而获得了解脱,也就是转迷成悟了。所以慧能大师就比神秀大师自在多了。真应了当代净空法师的“看破,放下,自在”之说了。此典出自《六祖坛经》,背景是五祖弘忍,令每个弟子出一个偈(相当于俗家作诗)回答问题。神秀回答如网友“为你”所述,六祖慧能,虽才智超群,已经领悟禅宗要义,但当时不识字,请人帮忙,写下“菩提本无树,明镜亦非台;本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?”。众人称好,弘忍大师说,这个不好,随即用鞋底擦掉字迹。其实弘忍也认为这是最好答案,因为担心慧能才华外露,为人所害,采取如此下策。随后弘忍在夜晚用幔帐遮蔽灯光,向慧能秘密传授《金刚经》。(典出《六祖坛经》)那么“菩提本无(非)树,明镜亦非台”到底什么意思?“菩提树”一词网友“为你”已经有答案,其实他说的仅仅是“有”的意思,“无”的意思没有讲。


Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer's day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen land

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflecting Vincent's eyes of China blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hands

Now I understand
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left inside
On that starry, starry night
You took your life as lovers often do
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as
beautiful as you

Starry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget
Like the strangers that you've met
The ragged men in ragged clothes
A silver thorn on a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
How you tried to set them free
They would not listen they're not listening still
Perhaps they never will

Sunday, September 24, 2006



Monday, September 18, 2006



Saturday, September 16, 2006


Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young girls gone?
Taken husbands every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the young men gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone for soldiers every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the soldiers gone?
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with flowers every one
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Life partner? What we seek in life partner?

Life partner? What we seek in life partner?

What we seek in a partner? a companion? a sex partner? or?

Different people going for different thing in life and relationship. Some people go for appearance, where they go for the one with the best look. Some people go for sex, where sex is the main reason why they want a relatioship? And some people go for money, where they are looking for rich partner which can provide everything to them in life. So what you seek in a partner?

As the society progress, people are getting more and more self centered. At the same time, people also getting more and more empty. So they started to find a partner to shower them love, to take care of them and to love them. But as more and more people wanted such a relationship, who will be the one whom will give and contribute in a relationship?

Read an article from newsppaper, it was talking about how a couple complement each other in life, how they help each other in life, and how they support each other in life. To me, this is what i am seeking in a relationship. Someone whom can complimen each other in life, someone will be holding hand together to face the tougher challenge in life, someone who give but wasnt calculate how much was given. This are the thing which will make a relationship last.

does such a relationship still exist?

I want my partner to be like this, like that, have this quality and be able to do that. But have you ask yourself, are you able to do the samething in the first place?

Spark of love. For most people love will fade, but when it fade, how do you want to change it? Some people choose to let go and start a search for another love. Which at the end he/she will be forever in the cycle of seeking love. Some people choose to upgarde it into another level of love. The love evolve from love from a lover to love from a family member which is part of our life. There might not be passionate love, but there is definitely life long love as the partner is already part of our life which cant be seperated.

Maggie mee life............

Maggie mee life............

Maggie mee, a name we given for instant noodles, what had it related to life?

life is about progressing and moving on. Some people moving at a fast pace, while some moving at a slower pace, while some may not be moving at all. There is nothing wrong for whatever pace that your life might be moving on. If a slower pace is good for you, just go for it.

Problem arise when you are not moving on at the pace you want. If you wanted a change, you had to make the changes. Just like having maggie mee as meal. If you are having curry flavour for every meal, and you are sick of it, then you would need to take action to go out to buy different flavour of instant noodle, or go out to buy different extra ingredient to make it a different dish. You can add in seafood today, or add in special herbs tomorrow.

Life is the same, too often, we dont like what we experience and go throught everyday, but ....... we didnt take any action to change it. So at the end of the day, we will continue to consume currly flavour instant noodles. So remind yourself, life is like a maggie mee, if you want something diffrent, take actions.

Hmm ..... is changing flavour good enough for you? Or you want a total change where there will be no more maggie mee in your life? instead of having different flavour of maggiee mee, why not trying something totally different like Pizza or fried rice? This is something which you will need to consider, a small change or a more drasctic change.

Ask yourself:
- Same maggiee mee?
- Different flavour maggie mee?
- Pizza and something else?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Year Resolution

Hmm... Haven't blog quite a while since my last blog...... Just to write something here to indicate the end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006

A few weeks ago, a friend ask me what is my new year for 2006? It really strike me......Althought I do wanted to plan for 2006, but I didn't really think of my new year resolution!

When we was young, when a new year started, it usually mark the beginning of another new sch term, everything will be expected and arranged properly for us. Life is pretty straight forward when we was young, new year, new school term.

One important thing the sch miss to teach is to guide the student to prepare their new year resolution. The sch is teaching us a lot of knowledge, except the knowlegde of life. The knowledge of handling life, planning life and improving life.....

Until we graduated and working, thing started to change, as there are no planned path for us. It is all up to us to explore. Because the sch never teach us the important of new year planning, so we just forget about it and follow the mass living day by day, year by year.

What does a new year mean to us?

Year end countdown party? Bonuses? Or ?

Think about it, what your new year resolution, and plan how to achieve it so that at the end of the year.... You can proudly tell yourself that you had make some achievement this year


All the best in 2006 to everyone........ And the most important thing, peace to earth.